7 Wine Testing Techniques to Enjoy Wine Like a Pro

7 Wine Testing Techniques to Enjoy Wine Like a Pro

If you have ever watched wine tasting experts sample their beverage and wished you had the same talent, you will be happy to know that it is not as difficult as it looks. While the pro’s make it look like an elegant dance between their senses and the liquid in their crystal wine glass, you do not need to take a course to enjoy a nice glass of vino.

It takes time, understanding of the different makes of the alcohol and practice. To look like a true connoisseur, take your time to appreciate the beverage and follow these wine tasting techniques:

1. Choose the Right Glass

When sampling your favourite drink, first you must choose the right glass. A real wine glass should have an elegant stem and inward curled lip at the top to keep the fluid inside the glass when swirling it around.

2. Choose Your Wine

Everyone has their personal preference. If you typically buy white wine or red wine of a specific brand, try sampling different types within the same category. This will give you a chance to try different makes and comparing them with each other.

3. Pouring Wine

When sampling, never fill your goblet to the rim. Only pour three or four centimeters of wine into the glass.

4. Looking at the Colour

Colour can tell a lot about what type of wine you are drinking and how old the drink is. White wines tend to gain more colour as they age. Newly bottled vino will be a clear or lighter yellowish shade, while the aged ones will look turn a more darkened hue. Likewise, younger, lighter brands of red wine are a more red or burgundy colour while vintage vinos become more bronze or light brown.

Light, full bodied, and deep wine are also differentiated by their shade. As you learn more about the different types of wines, you will find it easier to distinguish between the different varieties and years.

It is always easier to see what colour your drink is when the glass is held up to a light or white back drop.

5. Aerating the Wine

Once you have had a chance to look at the sample, gently swirl it around in your glass. This helps aerate the fluid so the delicious aromas can be released. Swirl the fluid slowly and gently to appreciate its movement around the inside of your glass dome.

6. Smelling the Wine

Much of the wine’s greatness is in the odour. Every wine is different and has its own distinct aromas. The scents come from the grapes and process used to make the drink as well as the age of the bottled bevy. Some brands have a more fruity smell while others have hints of vanilla, grass, or smoky aromas. For those new to wine sampling, take your time to smell contents of your glass to differentiate between the different bouquets from each type of wine. Place your nose on the lip of the glass to inhale to get a full sense of how the wine smells.

7. Tasting the Wine

Take a sip of the beverage and swirl it in your mouth. When orally sampling your wine, remember, less is more. Never take big gulps of wine; instead take just enough in your mouth to taste all the flavours. When you are finished sampling the brew, spitting it out after is completely acceptable.

Wine tasting is a wonderful way to sample the different varieties of vino while learning about all the distinguishing features and flavours of each blend. By using all your senses, you can learn to appreciate the different traits of each type of wine.

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